
Thrival Strategies for the New Human Evolution

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Article from Issue #22 (June 7, 2020)


by Catherine Wylie

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Source: Mindfulness 360 - Center for Mindfulness

Gratitude is the number 1 foundational pillar of the AgelessThrival™ strategies. When we have a daily gratitude practice for every person, experience, and situation in our life regardless if it was positive or negative the magic of miracles begins. From the tiniest to the largest. Over time it brings a peace within that cannot be shaken as you understand that all you require is already within you.

As Soul's before we come through our birth portal into this world, we choose our families, place and time of birth and many aspects of our life's experiences. to be assured we learn lessons so that when we transition out of the life we chose that our Soul can move forward to another level.  When we are born we forget all we knew in our Soul existence expected to regain that knowledge to complete or remember we had completed the positive virtues which are our value foundation.  To live in peaceful AgelessThrival daily gratitude is required.  You come to understand the gifts in the most horrific of situations and experiences or the best or all those in between.  This feeling of appreciation keeps your energy in a positive state which also allows your Trilliums to stay activated.  I did a session in Ageless on the importance of bringing yourself back into appreciation and gratitude as the Hathors were quite clear in their message to humanity that our trilliums stay active in gratitude and thus can gather sustenance for our bodies from outer worldly sources if problems with our food sources occur.

The easiest way to get into the habit of daily gratitude is to purchase Rhonda Byrnes's book:  The Magic.  It is a 28-day habit establishing a journal of gratitude for every aspect of your life.  You can buy it at Amazon, Indigo, Barnes, and Noble for sure.

Gratitude is essential to living a stress-free abundant and prosperous AgelessThrival life.  So begin now.  As you can resolve and create anything with Gratitude!

Stay safe and healthy.  I love you.  I am grateful to you!

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