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Article from Issue #22 (June 7, 2020)

The Country is Simply Run by Sociopaths

by Noam Chomsky

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Source: Democracy Now

“Countries have reacted to this in many ways — some very successfully, some more or less successfully. One is at the bottom of the barrel. That's us,” says renowned linguist and political dissident Noam Chomsky of the COVID-19 crisis sweeping the globe.  “The U.S. is the only major country that cannot even provide data to the World Health Organization, because it's so dysfunctional.” Chomsky says the fault lies with neoliberal, capitalist logic guiding the for-profit healthcare system, compounded by the current “sociopathic” administration at the helm in D.C. “We have a freak show in Washington — a totally dysfunctional government, which is causing enormous problems.”

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