
Thrival Strategies for the New Human Evolution

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Article from Issue #27 (November 7, 2020)

AgelessThrival Pillar #6 Breath of Life

by Catherine Wylie

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When you first open your eyes remember to Give Gratitude for the beginning of your day.  Then settle into your heart center and inhale to the count of 7, hold for 3, and then exhale to the count of 7.  Repeat this cycle 7 times until you feel the peace begins in your solar plexus and spread throughout your body.  What this does is activates your vegas nerve which creates calm within your nervous system.  You can repeat this breath whenever you feel anxious about a situation.  Anxiety, worry, and stress will just make you sick long term.  So instead of worrying about a situation breathe until peace overtakes you knowing that all is as it supposed to be and you will find and initiate the solution to the problem.

I love you!

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