
Thrival Strategies for the New Human Evolution

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White Tara: Ascended Master of Longevity, Health, Healing, Wisdom and Compassion
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The Secret to Becoming Ageless We accept aging as inevitable, but scientists are discovering what Spiritual Masters have known forever... Aging is a choice. It's time for you to choose AgelessThrival™ Living! Click Here The Empowerment Series Homo Sapien coding of Power Over, Domination and Control has brought humanity to the brink of a sixth mass extinction. The Empowerment Series helps you transform and evolve through love from Power Over and Struggle into Empowered AgelessThrival™. Is it time for you to make that choice into the new human of the Golden Age of Miracles? Truly Heaven on Earth. Click here


Issue #45 - May 2022

The Patriarchy and Roe v. Wade Catherine Wylie

May HIIT Workout Jacqueline Jarratt

Organic Gardening for Beginners Growing in the Garden

May Horoscopes Maya White

Issue #45

by Catherine Wylie

Welcome to May! You can enjoy Maya White's Horoscopes, Jacqueline Jarratt's latest fitness workout, the Solfeggio frequency, The Patriarchy/Roe v Wade, FLFE podcast and much more so enjoy!

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Subscribe to Gaine AgelessThrival™ Magazine

Product of the Month: Magnolia

Enjoy the inspirational, springtime scent of Magnolia at 10% all through May, while supplies last!

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The Patriarchy and Roe v Wade

by Catherine Wylie

The Patriarchal Paradigm of Power Over, Domination, and Control has been in play for about 6000 years...The story of Lilith is its beginning when she was cast off as the first archetypal woman who was independent and equal to archetypal Adam, the first man. Ergo the more submissive Eve (despite the apple fiasco) was created from Adam's rib.

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The Cave of Altruin: A Hathor Planetary Meditation

by Tom Kenyon

This is the latest message from the Hathors through Tom Kenyon:

You and your Earth are undergoing massive transformations along with all of its sentient beings.

You have clearly entered the Sixth Mass Extinction. And the relative stability of the Holocene era has given way to the Anthropocene (i.e., human-induced changes to the ecosystem).

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Organic Gardening for Beginners

by Catherine Wylie

AgelessThrival™ means assuring you are eliminating toxins from your food, your water, and household cleaners. So we have a video for you on the 7 tips for successful organic gardening, by "Growing In The Garden" so you can assure toxin-free food you can grow yourself.

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417Hz Solfeggio Frequency

by Catherine Wylie

417 Hz is one of the beautiful Solfeggio frequency which is known to wipe out all the negativity inside us. Its a frequency that can bring change, it marks the starts of new beginnings in the life, and its so powerful that it can reverse and undo negative happenings.

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Crystal Magic Cards

The first plane of existence which is all nonorganic life on the third dimension from the smallest crystal, the soil, to the largest mountain are the foundation for organic life. Therefore the crystals have life and a consciousness. Mother Earth sustains every aspect of our lives and Gaia created the beauty, wisdom, magic, and healing capacity of her crystals to enhance our lives as we choose to work with them.

We have created a digital deck of 33 crystal cards for you to use to enhance your life. More will be added over the next 6 months. Pick a card daily, use the affirmation associated with that crystal in a way that will help you with your hearts desire. Remember that it isn't enough to just pray or meditate to make life changes. It is in the action you take to make it happen. So enjoy this deck as its consciousness measures around 770 on the David Hawkins scale of consciousness. Love and Gratitude to you!

Crystal Magic Cards

The GAINE AgelessThrival™ is not intended to replace any traditional medical treatments or consultation. Nor is this site intended for diagnoses or prescriptive purposes. You should not treat a serious medical ailment, or begin any nutritional or exercise protocol without prior consultation from a qualified healthcare professional practitioner.