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Article from Issue #45 (May 7, 2022)

The Patriarchy and Roe v Wade

by Catherine Wylie

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The Patriarchal Paradigm of Power Over, Domination, and Control has been in play for about 6000 years...The story of Lilith is its beginning when she was cast off as the first archetypal woman who was independent and equal to archetypal Adam, the first man. Ergo the more submissive Eve (despite the apple fiasco) was created from Adam's rib.

There are three rules to the Patriarch.

  1. Men inherit over women. Now, this is now defunct because of new laws and we will hope that those laws are not struck down.
  2. Men must control women's reproductive systems in order to assure that their son's born to their wives are actually biologically their DNA to inherit.
  3. Women must have sex only for procreation.

Women were owned and that ownership of women didn't end in Canada until 1929 and it was similar in the United States. Many women are still owned in certain parts of the world.

The Patriarchial Paradigm is complete and empowerment is strengthening but the patriarchy is not willing to give up that control without a fight. And we knew this transformation of the old world to the new world would be dirty, messy, brutal, and ugly. And this leaked document that a majority of Supreme Court judges in the Us are prepared to knock Roe v Wade down is not the least bit surprising. Sad yes but expected by the darkness that wants to maintain control. None of it is about saving lives because saving a life isn't just assuring all babies are born. Saving lives is assuring that the child and mother have the material, psychological, physical, and emotional resources to raise the baby into a productive happy adult. Take a lookout at our world...It is super tough for babies born to those that want them never mind what happens if you force a child to be born.

Our souls choose what family we will be born into and when. Our souls know before choosing that family how long their life is going to be and whether they will make it to being born. It. is all about the soul lesson whether it is super short and you don't make it to birth in an incarnation or you live to be super old like my grandmother transitioning at 101. So dumping Roe v Wade is not about babies being born but about taking back control of women's reproductive freedom and that is not going to happen. The US Supreme Court will fail in this attempt long term as we as a collective will bring back laws and precedents that will be untouchable guaranteeing reproductive freedom for women in the US and set precedence around the world. But it means we focus on assuring that happens together as that is how we assure we continue to strengthen the empowerment of the partnership and balance of male/female energies now. And say loudly and clearly to those old holdouts of the Patriarchy...You Are Complete! So, Join the partnership of empowerment!

We all want all of our babies, children, and grandchildren to have the opportunity at the best life and that takes money, time, education, food security, safe housing, emotional support, and tons of love, kindness, and compassion.

I was not surprised by what a majority of the Supreme Court judges were up to but very, very, very disappointed in their attempts to take US citizens back to the dark ages. It won't happen in Canada and although our medical system is in disarray with ridiculous waitlists our doors will be open to our sisters in the US always. We love you and together we will assure Freedom of Choice is permanent.

I love you and I am always grateful for you in this world!

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