
Thrival Strategies for the New Human Evolution

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Article from Issue#43 (March 7, 2022)

The Top 10 Crystals for Peace!

by Catherine Wylie

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It has never been more important to maintain peace and harmony within than during the Ukrainian Humanitarian Crisis as the Ukrainian people fight to maintain their sovereignty. I hope these crystals can help you do that. As the more we maintain peace within we will see peace without! You also have to remember to breathe to keep your vagus nerve activated!

I love using crystals to help in all I do in my personal and professional life.  Here is a list of crystals that could help you with keeping peaceful during this time of great change in our world:

  1. Amethyst:  The stone of peace, meditation, contentment, and spirituality.  It is on the purple ray of peace and brings calmness and protection.  It works to keep negative energies from disturbing your serenity.

  2. Larimar:  This stone contains the wisdom of Atlantis filling you with tranquility.  Larimar rebalances you helping to raise your consciousness into wisdom, grace and serenity.

  3. Rose Quartz: Stone of Unconditional Love and Infinite Peace. The stone helps you to bring self-love and self-forgiveness allowing for peace and calm to flow through your energy systems.

  4. Spirit Quartz:  This is the perfect crystal for working towards team harmony.  It resolves arguments and restores harmony in households or the workplace.

  5. Blue Lace Agate:  (Stone of Articulation) This stone resonates with the throat chakra and brings great contentedness.  It will help you communicate effectively while maintaining inner peace and harmony.

  6. Pink Calcite:  This stone is connected to the angelic realms promoting Divine love and forgiveness.

  7. Kunzite (Stone of Emotion). It works to assure that you can feel joy in the moment. It is linked with the frequency of Divine Love bringing calm and peacefulness.

  8. Green Jade (The Lucky Charm). This is also a harmony stone symbolizing peace and serenity.

  9. Selenite:  It is called the doorway to angels and opens your Crown and Higher Crown Chakra.  Selenite expands your consciousness and instills inner peace.  Use this beautiful crystal in grids throughout your home.

  10. Danburite:  This stone releases stress and worry while bringing about change.  It helps you to experience the higher spiritual realms.  Sleep with a piece under your pillow at night to help reduce stress while you are sleeping.

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