
Thrival Strategies for the New Human Evolution

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Article from Issue #44 (April 7, 2022)

Imagine A World Where We Live As One! Because We are One!

by Catherine Wylie

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I haven't said much about the Illegal War in the sovereign country of Ukraine brought on by "the old boys" Patriarchal Paradigm of Power Over, Domination, and Control. I understand why but my heart and soul has been so sad at how the slaughter of people and animals is allowed by the so-called Democratic world, By those who are supposedly the keepers of Freedom in the UN. Never mind how the planet is further decimated by bombs and ammunition. I listened to John Lennons's son Julian sing his father's song Imagine tonight and have posted it here.

The game of Democracy vs Autocratic/Oligarch rule of the world is being discussed as "at stake" when the "Awakened" souls understand that they have been enslaved for thousands upon thousands of years and were given different hamster wheels as options to get on to make money for the Controllers in the disguise of Freedom. Fighting wars for power and profit in the guise of Freedom. And as well, the pandemic shutdown over the last two years may have caused big losses in the War Cartel's bottom line so this illegal war seems to be a good way to help stem the loss? Is there really any "legal" war? How is it that anyone today feels the innocent slaughter of adults, children, babies, dogs, cats, and other species of life is a justifiable cost for power over and profit?

How is it that those in global leadership roles knowing this is an illegal war and having been declared so by the World Court have not removed those responsible for the illegal aggression and the murder of Ukrainians by this time? Why do these global leaders of supposed Democracy believe that economic sanctions against the invaders will be enough to stop this Power Over when they know it isn't? Do these leaders not understand the freedom of digital currency today? The only way to stop this war is to remove those in command unharmed and alive and transport them to The Hague to stand trial for their illegal actions. The sanctions are hurting the people of the invading country and that isn't right. In every major Democratic country, we have covert special ops teams that are deployed to deal with untenable situations and circumstances. Where is our Covert Global Democratic Law Enforcement team of boots on the ground to deal with this swiftly to stop the senseless slaughter of life?

After all, Democracy is supposed to be based on the Rule of Law. That no one is above the law, right????????? Let's toss Loser45 into the mix here when it comes to the accountability of the attempted coup in America on Jan 6, 2021. The big jabber talk is all about saving Democracy? LOL...well if it's about saving Democracy then everyone responsible for that insurrection must be charged and brought to a public trial as that would signal Democracy is at work, otherwise, it's just a different type of Dictatorship in the guise of Democracy. By golly, by gosh, we must keep the hamsters on their hamster wheels. But the pandemic changed things when we all were forced off our respective hamster wheels, but that discussion for another day when the data is clear in 2023.

And the Ukrainian people were a surprise to those who thought the invaders could just roll in and take over. Is that because not so long ago at least 10 million Ukrainians were starved to death by Stalin and then so many after enslaved that the invaders thought it would be easy to conquer the people again. Well, if so there was a huge underestimation of the guts and will of Ukrainians to stand for their sovereignty and real freedom. And I guess the Ukrainian President's courage and bravery came as a surprise to politicians everywhere. Imagine the world's surprise when he was offered a sky ride out and stood firm in defense of his country. Because he isn't a politician but a man with honor, integrity, courage, and bravery with his family, friends, and community to lead to victory restoring peace to his country and people. Ukraine CANNOT and WILL NOT be defeated! Peace will return much sooner than people think! So keep the faith and focus on John Lennon's words to Imagine this world is One at peace because it is your imagination that creates reality and together specifically on April 12th it can happen. The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction will help make this happen if enough of us see peace as the reality for Ukraine!

I believe that the global leaders are working to bring accountability through the law to the leaders of the illegal war. I see it all happening behind the scenes in tandem with the sanctions to show that we no longer have time for such distraction from creating sustainable solutions for all of this planet because Mother Earth has the ultimate power over all of us. The old Patriarchal Power Over Paradigm is being transformed through love into the true Freedom of Empowerment. The old duality game of Freedom vs Slavery is complete but there are still many having difficulty giving up that control as they cannot fathom there is plenty for everyone. The virus that hit us in 2020 was the first salvo lesson and humanity must come together to assure we survive as a race. Peace and harmony are very possible once Love, Kindness, and Compassion are our mandate through conscious capitalism where everyone from top to bottom, all species, and the planet profit together without war, pollution, greed, and over consumption. That is easy right?????

Imagine it is and so it is! Tons of love, blessings, and courage to you all!

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