
Thrival Strategies for the New Human Evolution

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Article from Issue #47 (July 7, 2022)

Purpurite: The Stone of Freedom and Spiritual Development

by Catherine Wylie

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My commitment to positive change is all about raising my inner consciousness so that I contribute to the raising of the collective consciousness. Why? So that we flip this planet into peace and harmony as it was intended to be from the beginning. Mother Earth was always intended to stay as a positive intergalactic omniverse planet for all life. Purpurite helps you to increase your spin!

Why is it important to increase your spin?  When you increase your spin you increase your inner vibration elevating your frequency so you experience an increase in vitality, joy, and excitement for life.  Your energy runs through the toroidal field or Tube Toros.  It has a donut shape and the faster it spins the higher you raise your vibration thus increasing your optimism and excitement for life.

Purpurite helps you break free of negative patterns, provides psychic protection, cleanses the auric field, clears your space, and helps you embrace the unknown without fear. The Tube Toros is important in sacred geometry made of donut-like overlapping circles.  Our aligned energy cycles in the Toroidal shape allow self-reflection and balance.  The toroidal pattern represents the endless cycle of energy contained in everything from atoms, and our bodies, to galaxies throughout the Omniverse.  When you feel stuck the Toros energy will help you get your energy free-flowing helping you align your inner and outer worlds.

One of the purest stones of the Violet Ray purpurite connects you to the higher realms, increasing your intuition while encouraging divine energies of mercy, protection, forgiveness, freedom, and transformation.  It is a crystal of initiation, clearing mental doubts, and opens the pathway to spiritual knowing as you will clearly hear the messages of the Creator and your guides.  Hold this stone in meditation. 

I am adding this stone to my daily work on increasing my consciousness as I continue to work with energies and clearing limiting programs from my core, ancestors, soul and history levels.  The Toros is fascinating.  Surrounding you with love, blessings and gratitude.

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