
Thrival Strategies for the New Human Evolution

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Article from Issue #18 (February 7, 2020)

Self-Love is Impossible Without Written Healthy Boundaries

by Catherine Wylie

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February is the month of love and in B.C., Canada we take a long weekend for Family Day! We have been programmed to look outside of ourselves for our sense of self-worth when everything we need to live an abundant, joyful, peaceful love is within us. You come into the peace within you live peace without. Relationships, whether personal or professional can bring us the toughest of lessons as the Patriarchal paradigm we have lived in for over 6000 years, means we have all been raised in either covert or overt family narcissistic ways from mild to severe.

In the first session of my AgelessThrival course (you can register for it online at I realized that although I set people with the Creator downloads of what healthy boundaries are to create effective communication and healthy relationships, we were not writing them out.  If you don't think about your healthy boundaries and what that means to you and then write down your healthy boundary manifesto to follow, how would you truly bring that kind of self-love and self-respect to yourself and others.  So here is the session on Healthy Boundaries and How to Write Them to follow.  I have included my example of my healthy boundaries and red flags NOT to ignore.  So enjoy.  I am grateful to you.  I love you!

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