
Thrival Strategies for the New Human Evolution

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Article from Issue #47 (July 7, 2022)

Canada Day - Why I Celebrate Despite the Dark History!

by Catherine Wylie

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The Patriarchal Power Over Paradigm we all signed up for and have lived in and continue to live in as it clears is filled with the dark history of genocide of people and culture.  In Canada in particular of the Indigenous People.  But the timeline is also filled with progressions as slow as it may seem.  Canada is part of the progressive change of becoming aware of our racial, gender, and sexual orientation discrimination.  And as we became aware albeit too slowly we began to put legislation in place to provide protection for our freedoms.  We have a lot to do yet, especially in safe guarding women's reproductive health freedom.

Women were transformed from chattel to people in 1929 because of 5 brave and smart women.  What is horrific is the indigenous people of Canada were not transformed into people until 1970.  The genocide of Indigenous people globally was undertaken to assure that our planet could be plundered.  The indigenous people are the stewards of our planet and had they been in full numbers mother earth would not be working hard to rid herself of the human blight.  The indigenous residential school cultural genocide undertaking is beyond horrific.  How in the world these children have been left in unmarked graves to this date is beyond my ability to comprehend but at last, all will be honored.  The appropriate accountability and consequences to those responsible are slowly, too slowly but nonetheless being applied 

Just look south to our neighbors at how they are being torn apart by the old Patriarchy attempting to turn things back to a time of minimal rights for anyone but men.  The Jan. 6 2021 attempt to overturn a legal election, loss of women's reproductive health rights, and the overturning of the EPA protection of the environment is appalling.  We have those factions in Canada but they are in the minority. I celebrate the progressive, loving, kind, and compassionate nature of the majority of Canadians.  I celebrate this great country despite its dark history because we are acknowledging our failures and putting them right.  That is positive change.  Hindsight is always 20/20. 

If you are willing to look at the truth of the mistakes and then create and maintain the solutions to assure those mistakes are not repeated you have the recipe for an empowered nation for all life.  Canada has lots to do to right the wrongs but we are moving in the right direction and that is what I celebrate.  I am grateful to every Canadian taking positive action towards equality for every life, species, and our mother earth.

I love you!

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