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Gaine TV > Manifestation

Article from Issue #57 (May 7, 2023)

Source: Emmanuel Dagher

In this how to manifest what you really want video, we will go beyond some of the challenges that come up around the concept of the Law of Attraction, and you will receive 2 essential foundations and a guided action step meditation to help you manifest more of the experiences you authentically desire with greater ease. Listen often for optimal results!

If you are ready to become the powerful co-creator of your life, in a way that is liberating, this video is for you.

This video also includes the 528 Hz frequency of healing and transformation.

The healing frequency of 528 Hz has been researched and explored by genetic biochemists that are currently using it in their labs to repair DNA that has been damaged. Many people in spiritual and wellness communities know the healing and transformational effects this healing frequency has on the body, mind and auric field. All videos created on this channel include the 528 Hz for an enhanced healing experience.

For optimal results with any of the meditations, mantras, and healing processes offered to you on this channel, it is recommended you work with them daily for at least 21-day-cycles. Neuroscience shows us that it takes 21 days for the mind to shift out of old habits, patterns and behaviors, and it takes 28 days to begin healthy new ones, which is when so many people see and notice extraordinary and positive changes begin to occur in their lives.

Next on Gaine TV: One Qigong Exercise You Must Try in 2023 (Qigong)

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