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Gaine TV > Fashion

Article from Issue #65 (January 7, 2024)

CONTENT WARNING. A note from Clare: "While in this Episode, we talk about creativity and hope, baking and Strictly Ballroom, and address a wide range of things from the politics of climate action to biodiversity, we also discuss the details of going on a hunger strike. Personally, I would say that bit is not suitable for children, although I suspect Gregory would disagree. I'd also like to let you know there's mention of eating disorders in this interview. It's a compelling listen - there's much to think about and learn from here, and I admire Gregory's stand and his ethics. But do exercise your own judgement with little or vulnerable/ anxious ears around.

Thank you,

Clare xxx"

Read more at The Wardrobe Crisis

Next on Gaine TV: Discover the doTERRA MetaPWR System (DoTerra)

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