
Thrival Strategies for the New Human Evolution

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Article from Issue #40 (December 7, 2021)

Wishing You an Abundant, Prosperous, Joy-filled, Peaceful 2022!

by Catherine Wylie

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Well, 2021 has certainly been a roller-coaster year with climate change and the pandemic bringing so much change. So many different types of predictions are coming out, so remember it is you who is in the driver's seat of your life. Of course, you are going through all that is happening but you get to control how you go through these changes with anxiety and fear or with peace within. Because when you create constant and consistent peace and harmony within yourself combined with so many others this brings peace and harmony throughout our world.

When you truly come to understand and believe you have all you need within yourself WHAT is there to fear? And because of that everything that is happening as awful as it can be is all as it should be, WHAT is there to fear?

When you truly believe that you are a soul inhabiting the body you chose for this time on earth is immortal, pure conscious energy and death is just the shedding of this skin to continue your soul journey as the conscious energy you are; that you chose how and when you came into your body; and you choose how and when you transition out of your body, WHAT is there to fear? And what is really the root of the fear and anxiety?

So I ask you; How will you face your biggest fears, identify their source and then release them.? Once released then replace them with the positive teachings and gratitude of the side benefits of those fears/anxieties so that you can navigate 2022 in peace with the highest consciousness. This will help you create the abundant, prosperous life you deserve in 2022 allowing you to navigate the coming changes no matter what chaos swirls around you as that is your birthright as a Divine Spark of God.

You are the co-creator of your life with the Creator/God Energies! So, identify your fears/anxieties and release them. Replace the fears/anxieties with the positive virtues/benefits so you are at peace. Create your manifestation and goal list for the year and request the Creator for these as if they are already in your life. Then take the action to achieve them all the while assuring that you keep the peace within yourself knowing that all is as it is to be no matter what! And don't forget to give daily gratitude for every experience in your life even the tough ones. Gratitude and Appreciation with Love is the language of the Omniverse!

Enjoy your clearing for the best 2022! Tons of love, blessings, and gratitude to each of you!

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