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Article from Issue #15 (November 7, 2019)

Facial Gua Sha 101

by Amanda Torres

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Source: Amanda Torres

Facial Gua Sha 101: How and Why To Use It For Anti-Aging, Lymphatic Drainage, and De-Puffing


Facial Gua Sha is an ancient scraping massage technique developed by Traditional Chinese Medicine. It began as a treatment done solely on the body to improve blood circulation, move lymphatic stagnation and release muscle tension. Over time, a much gentler version was created for the face that involves a light gliding motion to tone, lift, and smooth the skin. Tools of various shapes made of crystal (such as jade or rose quartz) are used with light pressure in an upward and outward movement.

The aim is to de-puff the face by facilitating lymphatic drainage into the neck and bring fresh blood & nutrients to the skin for that healthy glow.

As you gently scrape the skin, micro-circulation is improved, which brings oxygenated blood to the dermal layers clearing congestion, stimulating cell renewal and brightening your complexion. This rush of blood brings nutrients that make cell regeneration and tissue repair much more efficient, which is extremely helpful if you’re recovering from acne or trying to get rid of acne scars.

Overall, it’s an incredibly easy addition to your morning or evening skin routine that takes 5 minutes and will give you a visible lift and glow each time.

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