
Thrival Strategies for the New Human Evolution

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Article from Issue #52 (December 7, 2022)

Winter Solstice December 21, 2022 - The Shortest Day of the Year!

by Great Meditations and Kyle Thomas, NYpost

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Source: Great Meditation

Many cultures, religions and spiritual traditions have honored the winter solstice. Often, this time of greatest darkness has encouraged humanity to gather among loved ones and celebrate the rebirth and return to the light. In a spiritual sense, no matter your tradition, this is an ideal time to embrace your inner self and reflect on who you are and where you’d like to go. This is a perfect time for reflection, introspection and intention setting. Honor your stillness.

This 10 minute winter solstice guided meditation can be practised during your winter solstice ritual or just to help you tap into the energies present during the winter solstice. It is designed to help you experience a sense of inner peace, innocent, and balance. You will go on a guided visualization journey, experience an energy cleanse and receive a violet light energy renewal, all while helping your mind, body and spirit step into a sense of balance and well-being for the winter solstice. Enjoy!

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