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Article from Issue #55 (March 7, 2023)

How the Spring Equinox Supports you Spiritually and How You Can Celebrate!

by The Seasonal Soul

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Source: The Seasonal Soul

The Spring Equinox is a festival of awakening, and rebirth.

The dark months are now over & we’re moving into the warmth of the light. (The sun will continue to grow until the Summer Solstice, when it begins its turn inward again.)

With the Spring Equinox your spirit is waking up with new ideas & new dreams for your life. It’s fresh, warm energy has the power to make you feel alive & inspired.

The inspiring Spring Equinox energy is encouraging you to be reborn.

Embrace this new beginning. The spring energy will fuel your growth as the days get longer & the sun grows warmer.

The end of winter can sometimes feel a little rocky. The energy shifting from an inward-focus to outwardly-focused can make you feel a bit off-kilter.

Implementing changes required in order to grow & flourish, can really disrupt your sense of equilibrium in late winter. But with the Spring Equinox, the Earth returns to a place of perfect balance. Day & night are equal, the light & the dark––bringing the return of some much-needed balance into your own life.

Overall, Spring is a joyful time. Everything is coming alive. Nature is waking up & being reborn.

The same thing is happening within you. Your spirit is coming alive with hopeful, excited energy. Parts of you are being reborn & coming alive in ways they never have before.

Spring represents a new day; it’s dawn in the wheel of the year. A new sun is rising. Life is waking up in the warm sunlight & your spirit feels ready to make a fresh start.

This time of year your spirits is bright & coming alive with new ideas; hopefully you’re feeling inspired & excited to try new things.

Your work this season is to determine which of your winter dreamsyou want to focus spring’s powerful growth energy on. 

Which seeds are you going to plant in the ground to tend & harvest?

Here at the beginning of the season lots of new ideas are calling out to you. All these things are buzzing with new life around you. This month is about trying new things out: What excites you right now? What are you interested in? What are you drawn toward?

Approach your daydreams & new ideas with a light-hearted, child-like spirit: if it calls to you … try it! Just go for it. Have fun!

Because this is the season of illumination. Spring brings clarity. This is the time to get really clear on what you want to see grow in your life & what you want to harvest. In order to gain that clarity you need to try out what’s calling you.

Spring & summer bring powerful growth energy. If you’re not clear on where to focus that energy, it can feel chaotic & overwhelming. Your energy gets pulled in many different directions & it burns you out.

If you’re really clear on where you want to see new growth,
you have the power to transform your life.

In order to gain that clarity, this month try out new ideas, connect with early spring’s playful, curious spirit. Look closely at what seeds you want to plant & decide what you want to harvest in the months ahead.

The Spring Equinox is a festival of awakening, and rebirth.

The dark months are now over & we’re moving into the warmth of the light. (The sun will continue to grow until the Summer Solstice, when it begins its turn inward again.)

With the Spring Equinox your spirit is waking up with new ideas & new dreams for your life. It’s fresh, warm energy has the power to make you feel alive & inspired.

The inspiring Spring Equinox energy is encouraging you to be reborn.

Embrace this new beginning. The spring energy will fuel your growth as the days get longer & the sun grows warmer.

The end of winter can sometimes feel a little rocky. The energy shifting from an inward-focus to outwardly-focused can make you feel a bit off-kilter.

Implementing changes required in order to grow & flourish, can really disrupt your sense of equilibrium in late winter. But with the Spring Equinox, the Earth returns to a place of perfect balance. Day & night are equal, the light & the dark––bringing the return of some much-needed balance into your own life.

Overall, Spring is a joyful time. Everything is coming alive. Nature is waking up & being reborn.

The same thing is happening within you. Your spirit is coming alive with hopeful, excited energy. Parts of you are being reborn & coming alive in ways they never have before.

Spring represents a new day; it’s dawn in the wheel of the year. A new sun is rising. Life is waking up in the warm sunlight & your spirit feels ready to make a fresh start.

This time of year your spirits is bright & coming alive with new ideas; hopefully you’re feeling inspired & excited to try new things.

Your work this season is to determine which of your winter dreamsyou want to focus spring’s powerful growth energy on. 

Which seeds are you going to plant in the ground to tend & harvest?

Here at the beginning of the season lots of new ideas are calling out to you. All these things are buzzing with new life around you. This month is about trying new things out: What excites you right now? What are you interested in? What are you drawn toward?

Approach your daydreams & new ideas with a light-hearted, child-like spirit: if it calls to you … try it! Just go for it. Have fun!

Because this is the season of illumination. Spring brings clarity. This is the time to get really clear on what you want to see grow in your life & what you want to harvest. In order to gain that clarity you need to try out what’s calling you.

Spring & summer bring powerful growth energy. If you’re not clear on where to focus that energy, it can feel chaotic & overwhelming. Your energy gets pulled in many different directions & it burns you out.

If you’re really clear on where you want to see new growth,
you have the power to transform your life.

In order to gain that clarity, this month try out new ideas, connect with early spring’s playful, curious spirit. Look closely at what seeds you want to plant & decide what you want to harvest in the months ahead.

The Spring Equinox is a powerful seasonal day, celebrated by ancient peoples all throughout human history. (Read more about the power of this sacred day, here.)

I really encourage you to find some time around the Equinox to pause & celebrate this meaningful seasonal shift. Here are a few simple ways you can celebrate this sacred day:

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Wake up at Dawn

Spring is associated with dawn & new beginnings. After the Spring Equinox the light overtakes the dark, the sun is now more powerful than the night. Plan to wake up & watch the sunrise. Toast the growing sun on this sacred seasonal day.

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Look for signs of Spring

Plan a special Spring Equinox walk to look for signs of spring.

In my family we like to do “Finds.” See who can find the most signs of spring as you walk. Or, like an egg hunt, see who can find things first.

What are your favorite trees, bushes & flowers blooming right now? Take note of all the beautiful things budding in your neighborhood. Continue walking & watching them throughout the spring, see how things morph & change.

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Open a Window

I have a tradition of leaving the window open on the night of the Spring Equinox. I love hearing the birds chirping when I wake up in the morning. I love to smell the fresh, damp smells. It lets me know spring is here!

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Do an Egg Hunt

Let’s be real, most of what we celebrate at Easter is really in acknowledgement of spring–the bunnies, the eggs, the pastel colors. These are all elements of Spring & the Pagan holiday Ostara. So, why not hold your egg hunt on the Spring Equinox instead of Easter? It will provide you with an awesome opportunity to talk to kids about the significance of this sacred seasonal day.

Replace the traditional Easter basket with a hidden nest filled with crystals & flowers and other earthly delights.

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Plan an Ostara Meal 

Traditional Ostara meals celebrating this sacred seasonal day include (what else …) eggs! Make a quiche or some other egg-centric meal for dinner.

Take turns saying what you’d like to see blossom & grow in your life & in your family.

Make some fun plans for the upcoming months of spring & summer. Send energy into the world to help manifest your wishes.

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