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Article from Issue #62 (October 7, 2023)

Clarity, Calmness, and Courage: 3 Ways to Ground Your Mind Before You Face Your Day

by RJ Spina

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Source: The Good Men Project

RJ Spina is a metaphysical teacher and healer who overcame permanent chest-down paralysis and disease. He offers courses and programs on self-healing, self-realization, meditation, manifestation, and self-mastery. These enlightened teachings are outlined in his bestselling first book, Supercharged Self-Healing and Change Your Mind. For more information visit

If you’re like me, it’s easy to be stressed, anxious, and not always your best self. Many of us have an increasingly hectic lifestyle filled with never ending list of tasks. It’s like swimming against an intense current that never lets you catch your breath.

Let’s be honest, it is beyond daunting to juggle family responsibilities, a career, our relationship with our significant other, attend to our own self-care while simultaneously maintain our financial well-being and our mental/emotional/physical health. Throw in eating healthy, exercising, and trying to have a social life would make even Hercules tap out.

When we add a dose of guilt and shame about letting anyone down – including ourselves - it all becomes incredibly daunting and self-defeating. Those low-frequency feelings foster procrastination which only amplifies our feeling of dread because of the enormity of it all.

What if I told you - after working with thousands of people over the last 7 years – that I discovered 3 simple tricks that give you the uncanny ability to meet your day with real clarity, total calmness, and unlimited courage.

1. Programming the Subconscious Before Sleep

Rather than going over everything that triggered or upset you from the day, use these last few minutes before going to sleep to program your powerful reality creator – the subconscious mind – with the affirmations and declarations you wish to experience the next morning. Saying things like, ‘I am whole, I am grounded, I am centered, I am serene’ will become your reality because the subconscious cannot decipher between your thoughts and your affirmations. It simply agrees with whatever directives it is given and creates that reality.

2. Take Back Control

Our agitated and fragmented egoic mind is programmed to react (flight or flight) to what life is throwing at us. This state of being is exhausting because it keeps us on edge and not rooted in the present moment. There are three words that instantaneously and flip this disempowering dynamic into a tangible felt sense of empowerment and courage. Start your day by saying ‘I am control.’ Let yourself feel that within every cell, within the very fiber of your being. These three all-powerful words will unleash your courage, clarity, calmness, and power that is within you.

3. It’s All One Thing

With the endless sea of movement, distractions, and information parading by the screen of our consciousness, it is inevitable that we become overly agitated by or depressed by our inability to have things go our way. No amount of effort, patience, determination, or luck will ever make the world stop and conform to our personal agenda.

Our patterned subconscious egoic mind cannot experience the tangible, felt sense of truth. It operates through fragmentation and limitation. This is how our lower mind works and why we seek the clarity and calmness that only meditation can offer. There is something even more powerful and liberating that you can do in one second that will ground and empower in a way that defies all mental understanding.

The seer, what is seen, and the act of seeing is all one thing. When you employ that enlightened technique, your fragmented mind and separate egoic self both disappear. Your frequency rises and mind becomes razor clear. It’s simple, tangible, immediate, and effective. That’s how you know you are working with the truth. That’s because the truth doesn’t require your participation. Lies do.

Start your day with that practice and there is nothing that can ever cloud your or disrupt your crystalline clarity and sense of well-being. Now, all your power, focus, compassion, and courage have been unleashed. Start your day like that and feel the never-ending freedom flowing through you, as you.

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