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Article from Issue #30 Happy Love Month! (February 7, 2021)

Tips to Reset Your Morning Routine

by Shaklee

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Source: Shaklee

Every new year, it’s easy to make resolutions for the next 12 months, but it’s always hard to keep them. This year we’re more motivated than ever to hit “reset” on our health, habits, and lifestyle. While there are many ways you can reset your habits, a lot of them start right when we wake up! Here are a few tips to reset your morning routine to get a healthier start to the day.

  1. Prepare your body to sleep the night before.
    Your reset for the day starts the night before by making it easier to sleep well and get up in the morning. Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed as it will make your sleep less restful and you could wake up in the middle of the night. Also, try to avoid using mobile devices or computers in bed; the light from the screen and the plug in to your work or social life will make it difficult for your brain to wind down before sleep.

  2. Reset your morning by NOT setting “snooze.”
    The snooze button on your alarm clock is that last thing that’ll help you wake up and be productive! To resist the temptation, try putting your clock somewhere in the room where you have to get out of bed to turn off the alarm. It will give you the extra motivation to get up and get going.

  3. Try a morning workout.
    A short 10-minute workout in the morning can help you clear your mind and give you energy for the day. If you’re not able to do strenuous exercise, you can do a light stretching routine instead to help relieve muscle tension and limber up. Stretching will also help your circulatory system better deliver nutrients to your muscles so you can tackle those daily activities.

  4. Eat a good breakfast.
    If you have a habit of skipping breakfast, it’s time to reset! Eating a good breakfast gives you nutrition and energy for the day. Choose foods that are rich with protein and fiber that will help energize your body. If you need something nutritious but also quick, try having a Life Shake™ in the morning! And no—drinking just coffee doesn’t count as breakfast.

  5. Be patient with yourself.
    Like all good habits, it’ll take some time to make it a routine. Don’t stress if you’re not able to do all of these immediately. With some discipline and patience, you’ll slowly adopt these healthy habits.

This is the year to reset your morning routine with healthy habits. Your body will thank you!

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