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Article from Issue #52 (December 7, 2022)

The Revolution is Not Over Yet

by Mark Hall

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It is December 7th, 2022, and the protests in Iran have been going on for almost three months. At least 450 protesters and innocent bystanders have been killed by the regime, and over 18,000 have been arrested, some facing the threat of execution.

Over the weekend, the media lit up with headlines that Iranian Attorney General Mohammad Javad Montazeri has stated that the government of Iran will be abolishing the "morality police" in response to the protests.

"Iran Has Abolished Morality Police, an Official Suggests, After Months of Protests" -New York Times

"Iran Disbands Morality Police, Considers Changing Hijab Laws, Official Says" -Wall Street Journal

"Iran Abolishes Morality Police And Mulls Changes To Mandatory Hijab Law After Anti-Government Protests, Official Says" -Forbes

This was misinformation on so many levels that it seriously calls into question the reliability and accuracy of the mainstream news media.

This statement served no purpose other than to distract the international audience into believing that the protests have achieved their goal and Iran is cooperating. Essentially, they want the rest of the world to think that it's over and look elsewhere.

But just take a look at the statement itself: "The morality police had nothing to do with the judiciary, and the same institution that established it has now shut it down." followed by "the judiciary will continue to supervise social behaviors."

So the rules have not changed. And the "supervision" of social behaviours will continue. Even if they were to abolish the morality police, women would still be watched and punished via other means, using other branches of the government. At best, it's a re-branding of the morality police. At worst, it's even more restrictive because of a shift towards more covert surveillance.

And look at what the regime is actually doing. This statement came right after Iran made a deal with Russia to receive anti-riot gear and training and not long after issuing the first official death sentence to a protester. And it came just before a planned three-day national strike by the protesters, which is currently underway at the time of writing.

Don't be distracted or misled by the statements of an oppressive theocratic regime that routinely slaughters its own people. And don't fall for the narrative that these are simply protests about mandatory hijab laws. These are not just protests. This is a full-fledged revolution in process, and the only acceptable outcome is the complete removal of the regime, and the establishment of a true democracy without a supreme leader.

Update on December 9, 2022:

Yesterday, 23-year-old Mohsen Shekari was the first prisoner to be executed for protesting. The charge against him was moharebeh (crime against god). He allegedly blocked a street and wounded a member of the paramilitary force with a machete. However, the trial was rushed through and he was denied access to his lawyer. His arrest, trial and execution took place over less than 2 and a half months. There is absolutely no way that anything resembling due process was provided in this fake trial. This was not justice. This was just murder with the intent to intimidate other protesters.

Update on December 12, 2022:

Iran has now executed a second prisoner, 23-year-old Majid Reza Rahnavard. Same story, same fake trial. It is very clear at this point that the executions will continue if nothing is done to stop them.

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