
Thrival Strategies for the New Human Evolution

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Article from Issue #62 (October 7, 2023)

Water Magic

by Catherine Wylie

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On the other hand, polluted water exposed to negative thoughts and messages would show unstructured, incomplete, asymmetrical structures.  You can talk positively to water and it will reflect back beautiful snowflakes whereas water that experiences negative talk will appear asymmetrical and incomplete.  You can also put positive messages such as love, confidence, gratitude, happiness, joy, and thank you taped onto a water bottle, glass or whatever container you store and drink water from.  When you do this the water structures become those beautiful snowflake structures.  

So it is important that you bring positive energy to your water as you are made up of 70% water.  You want that water to be positively beautiful in structure vs the negative asymmetrical structure in your body.  Think about different foods like watermelon and tomatoes that are made up of so much water.  Anything with water needs positivity to help you maintain your positive vibration inside and out.  Wild!  

You can buy Dr. Emoto's book here

Source: Dr. Masaru Emoto

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