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Gaine TV > Reiki

Article from Issue #53 (January 7, 2023)

Source: Soul Aligned Frequency

Happy New Year!

Today's video is a powerful Reiki Energy Healing that makes your energy more receptive to blessings. As you invite more blessings into your life, you become a vessel to then bless others - so everyone wins! Any positive intentions you hold regardings blessings you wish to manifest will be amplified with this video. The energy of this Reiki video, or any other video on my channel, cannot be used for ill-intention - including that of encroaching on another's free will.

Best practices to amplify the benefits of this Reiki:

Reiki is a form of energy healing in which a Reiki practitioner serves as a conduit for Universal healing energy to transfer to the recipient. This energy healing can be done both in-person or through distant healing - both have the same level of effectiveness.

To fully receive the Reiki healing energy, please remain open and consent by saying, "Yes, I consent to receive this Reiki energy." You can treat this Reiki video as a meditation track or use it while sleeping by putting it on a loop.

Reiki is safe and poses minimal side effects. Once you have finished the video, make sure you drink some water to aid you in grounding. You can return to this video whenever you want, as the energy will always be present.

Disclaimer: All Reiki videos on my channel are for supplementary use at the recipient's discretion. All videos on this channel do not pose as a substitute for professional or medical treatment.

About Soul Aligned Frequency (SAF)

Soul Aligned Frequency is a spiritual healing, wellness, and lifestyle brand focused on helping you live authentically. Born out of Sarah Alisa's vision for a new way of living, SAF provides plenty of opportunities through virtual events, masterclasses and courses to reconnect with your most authentic self and change your reality.

Next on Gaine TV: Guided Meditation by Dr. Joe Dispenza (Meditation)

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