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Horoscopes - January Sun Signs

by Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer

Woven into each sun sign forecast, you will find words of wisdom from masters of Kabbalah and other spiritual teachers.  

My Horoscopes are my gift to you, my valued clients and newsletter subscribers. Look for YOUR sun sign below.

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January 7, 2019

Aries – (March 20 – April 19)

2019 is your year for travel and learning about all of the wonderful things that the world has to offer. Step outside of your comfort zone and learn about other cultures. Taste new foods and take on new experiences. Choose happiness and delight this year, Aries. Face your fears, and then write about it. Have you ever thought of giving a Ted talk? It’s that kind of a year – go for the gusto.

Taurus – (April 20 – May 20)

This is a money year, Taurus. Watch expenses, though. The secret is to not waste resources. Think carefully about where your money goes – sometimes it’s ok to spend extra if the outcome is worth the expense. Set up your finances early in the year – and hold to a budget. This year is good for investing in solid assets rather than just money in the bank.

Gemini – (May 21 – June 20)

Partnerships of all kinds are your key to success in 2019. Jupiter fleshes out your 7th house of relationships, and this applies to both personal and professional relationships. Never underestimate the benefit that anew person brings to your life. You really cannot go it alone this year. This doesn’t mean that you have to be with other people 24x7 though. It’s good to take some solo time, so that you are ready and present to be with others when the time is right. Choose your partners wisely.

Cancer – (June 21 – July 22)

You can achieve amazing things this year, Cancer. The secret to success is having systems in place so that you don’t have to do all the heavy lifting every day. Learn how to delegate and keep on doing so through the entire year. Maybe you need some help with household chores, or, maybe it’s time to hire a full time work assistant. Take a look at the systems you have in place – keep the good ones, and make improvements to the one that are lacking. Slow and steady wins the race and helpers make you shine even brighter.

Leo – (July 23 – August 22)

You’ve been giving so much love to your children, how about nurturing YOURSELF, Leo. 2019 promises to be a year for happiness and finally fulfilling your dreams and desires. If you have longed for freedom, this is the year to heed your calling. Take that cruise, visit that foreign land and, you don’t have to bring the children. 2019 is the year of you. Take up dance or art, or pottery, or stained glass. Your inner artist is growing, and it’s time to heed the call.

Virgo – (August 23 – September 22)

Your home is your castle for 2019. Some of you will actually move house or you may expand your existing one. This is an excellent year to start a home based business if you’ve been thinking about that. Physical disciplines such as yoga are going to be a powerful way to get grounded in your body. And even sound healing or other vibrational healing modalities are especially powerful for you. You must stay on course and not let nervous tension derail your plans.

Libra – (September 23 – October 22)

Your words are exquisitely powerful this year, Libra. This includes what you say to yourself as well as others. Consider sharing your wisdom through giving talks and presentations to groups. This is where you’ll gain the most benefits – from honest communication. This is on every level – to groups as well as to your intimate partners. You must express your needs and insist that they are met. With this in place, you find internal as well as external satisfaction.

Scorpio – (October 23 – November 21)

Prosperity is more than just having a lot of money – it’s about living a life where you needs are met, and you have some wiggle room for fun. Figure out passive income paths and learn to make money while you sleep because 2019 holds a promise that you can work less and earn more. Your challenge is learning to relax and harvest the benefits that are there for you. Be attentive to your health, which has taken a toll from stress in 2018. Massage, good food and proper exercise make everything better.

Sagittarius – (November 22– December 20)

If you are not living in tune with your true heart’s desire this will be a frustrating and difficult year. If you ARE – this will be a year to remember. Jupiter is in your sign, which is where he is the most powerful. There is so much strength here, that you must be careful that you don’t spin your wheels – for example – overindulgence is deadly now. You may have to reveal some of your secrets in order to fully receive the benefit of all that is possible for you in 2019. However, if this is the case, the benefits far outweigh the risks.

Capricorn – (December 21– January 19)

2019 is a year for spiritual growth for Capricorn. Tune into the idea of acceptance and live your life in a reflection of the phrase “Let go and let God.’ This may be difficult for your Saturn ruled and sometimes control freak sign. Admit it – you want to be sure that everything comes out right based on what you have done. This year, it’s time to lighten up and let the Universe take care of the details. Follow the guidance that comes your way through synchronicities and other signs.

Aquarius – (January 20 – February 17)

The New Year is going to be a natural fit for you Aquarius – it’s like coming home to your true family – the Universal group of like-minded people. Networking is a key way that you’ll expand your horizons in 2019. Look for people who want the same thing you want; they don’t have to be your best friends, but you have a common goal. This is your tribe, and one of the benefits of being in a tribe is that you share in group benefits. Not only do you have lots of great companions, you also receive what they have to offer.

Pisces – (February 18 – March 19)

2019 greets you with a calling to redefine yourself – particularly your public presence. This does not mean only your work; rather, it’s a new definition of how you look at your life. All-encompassing change is possible – in fact, it’s calling you. Some will embark on an entirely new career; others of you will begin a new lifestyle. Both are relevant. Opportunity comes when you reach out and expand beyond your limitations.

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