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Article from Ageless Thrival Living Magazine (September 7, 2018)

She Followed Her Inner Voice

by Suzanne Bandick

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She had what most people would probably consider a great life – maybe even a perfect life. She had a husband who loved her and she loved him back, 2 young children that were happy and healthy, a successful career, a nice big home, a standing in the community and her friends. What more could one want?

Evidently more. She was certainly after more. A little voice inside of her said ..It's time to move on – you need more adventure - the children need something more. Well where in the world could this lead she thought. Was she crazy to have this desire for adventure when perhaps she should just be happy with what she already had? Her friends all seemed happy with where they were....but that little voice would not stop – it just persistently kept repeating there is more.

So one day she told her husband ... I want to move somewhere tropical. I don't want winter. I want sun and palm trees. Oh she was fortunate that day because her husband looked at her for a while and then simply said - well let's see if we can make that work. That was a really good response from him because this was what her inner voice was now saying ....
“Life should be an adventure or really it is quite boring.”

So together they made the committed decision to make it work. It took about a year to figure out where they would go and how to make the transition. They gave away or sold all their stuff. They gave up the big house, the successful careers and the community they knew and were comfortable in. Does this sound freaky scary to you? What would you be willing to give up for your dream? Oddly, it was not scary to her. She felt a calm that came from that inner voice and she seemed to instinctively know everything would turn out.

So they packed the few things they had left into their Toyota 4 runner and headed to Mexico. The young son, who was 8 was keen for the adventure. The daughter at 11 figured they were pretty well ruining her life. The neighbors thought they had gone mad – this was too far out of the box for them. But the voice continued that this was the right decision and the adventure was needed by all of them.

Have you ever moved toward something you wanted not knowing exactly where it would lead? Was this a leap of faith? Was she crazy? She just knew she had to follow that inner voice that told her she was meant for more, she needed more, her family needed more.

It's been 17 years in Mexico now; the kids are grown – happy, healthy, bilingual, multicultural and definitely worldly-wise. They moved away from home with a confidence that one can do anything they set their mind to and feeling like the world was there for their adventure. Both kids travel and have seen even more of the world than I ever have. One of the things I am most proud of is teaching them to follow their inner voice and that it would always guide them well.

I now reside in Valle de Guadalupe, Baja California, Mexico with that amazing husband and I am living my adventure every day and still following that inner voice that recently is telling me there is something new on the horizon again. Whatever it is, I know I will follow that inner voice – that inner calling because frankly it makes her feel alive and without that feeling, well life would be pretty boring.

Allow yourself to dream.

Suzanne Bandick is an Empowered Living Mentor The above is actually her true story. She is the creator of the Angelic Love Notes that empower and inspire people globally through the “I am Special-You are Special” movement.

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