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Article from Issue #49 (September 7, 2022)

What is Sacred Geometry?

by Jain 108

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Source: Jain 108 Academy

Sacred Geometry is a Language of timeless Symbols that permits Communication between all Peoples of this World and beyond. It is based on the concept that Shape Stores Memory, and that we have access to all this Ancient Knowledge at a cellular level. This suggestion of Wholeness is called Fractality, not based on fractions or parts, but a system of Embeddness called Self-Similarity, like the nesting of the Russian Dolls, one within the other, all the same but at various scales of dimension called Scale Invariancy, meaning that size does not matter, but sacred ratio does. It is a form of Holography where every part contains the Whole, where the Inside is the same as the Outside. Sacred Geometry also intersects the subjects of Science, Art and History, and is the educational pathway forward that we teach to our children and our children’s children the Geometry of the Gods. It is the legacy of our Ancestors that we make Mathematics sacred again.

In short, the Pentagon is the symbol of Biology, for every protein in your body is 5-sided, and the Hexagon is the symbol of Technology, for quartz shards are 6-sided and from this is born nano-tech, but the reality is that our DNA is both Penta and Hexa, so we need a fusion of good technology based on organic biology.

Sacred Geometry In The Human Body

Did you know that the brain is a Torus ring or doughnut?

The first organ to form in the Human Embryo at 512 cell mitotic division, was not the Brain, but the Heart, being the centre of the Torus from which we evolved.

Extend your arm out and define it as 1 metre long. You would expect that the place where the elbow bends is halfway but if you examine this measurement closer you will learn that it bends at a distance a fraction more than its .5 midpoint at .618… This is called the Divine Proportion or the Golden Measure or the Sacred Cut based on the universal ratio of 1:1.618…

The knee joint and your finger joints all bend at the same junction!
Your navel or belly-button point is also the Golden Ratio of your height!
This is same geometry that flowers exhibit, based on the Fibonacci Sequence
and is the Key to all Life. It is the Code of Creation, and the Mother of all Form.

When you extend both arms out horizontally and measure that span, say it is 1.6m long from fingertip to fingertip, it actually happens to be the same as your height. This means that the human form is defined by the boundary of a square, and if you turned around on the spot, you actually define the Cube. The cube or crucible is what anchors or earths these other cosmic dimensions and contains all the important roots harmonics.

When we double this Cube of Space, which is double your height, it gives the correct or ideal proportion for the architectural height of your home’s ceiling, meaning that you are in biological resonance with your environment.

Sacred Geometry In Nature

Pick up a Pine Cone and you will see 2 spirals of seed formations, one spiral going clockwise and other going anti-clockwise. You would expect that the number of these 2 counter-rotating spirals would be the same, but they are not. Nature self-organizes its spin ratio based on the model of the Fibonacci Sequence: 8 spirals one way and 13 the other way. It is expressed as 8:13.

Daisies have a spin ratio of 13:21.
Sunflowers have a spin ratio of 21:34.
Giant sunflowers were found in Russia and when they counted their 2 helical spirals it was found to be 55:89 and 89:144.

This is the ultimate and universal Law of Nature, that Creation has a Blueprint and it is underpinned by the ubiquitous Fibonacci Sequence. This is known as the Mathematics of Fixed or Eternal Design. Everything we need is inside of us!

In fact, the same mathematics of fruits and flowers is evident in our human body proportions and importantly is the foundation of our DNA molecular biology.

Sacred Geometry In The Universe

Did you know that an astronomer named J. Bode in 1778 was inspired by the observations of Titus in 1766 who both predicted the unknown presence of the Asteroid Belt, that lies between Mars and Jupiter, by recognising a gap in the pattern of a modified Fibonacci Sequence. They predicted that Ceres, the largest of all the asteroids, had to be in that gap position and today we can confirm that their prediction of Ceres orbit was prophesized correctly. This means that mathematics solved a riddle of the universe.

The Fibonacci Sequence, 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34-55-89-144- when successively dividing its previous number, as in 34 divided by 21, gives an approximation to the Golden Ratio of 1:1.618… known as Phi. This Divine Proportion, adored and adopted by Leonardo da Vinci and many other Great Minds, is the key to the mathematics of hydrogen atoms, to the human canon, to the geometry of fruits and flowers, but also to the planets and the stars.

Walter Russell is famous for his quote: “Comprehend and Copy Nature” which implies that it will be the Living Mathematics of Nature that permits us to explore the unknown universe.


Sacred Geometry is the same language that exists in the Microcosm of atoms and cells and in the Macrocosm of planets, stars and galaxies. We are the Bridge between the Worlds. The word “Sacred” in “Sacred Geometry” does not refer to anything religious, it pertains more to idea of that which is Permanent, timeless and or forever. We are the Changemakers, but we are required to utilise these Keys of Sacred Gaiometry to focus and potentise our thoughts in such a way as to make a better world, but only if we possess Pure Intention coming from a place called the Higher Heart.

Jain 108

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